130 people held hostage by Hamas need urgent, critical care now. Together, we can provide the needed visibility to urge swift action that can save innocent victims from further acts of terrorism. Below are some ways you can take action and raise your voice for hostages.


Show the hostages' time in captivity to help create more momentum for their return. Wear their absence on your heart with a piece of tape marking the number of days they have been held.

One Minute a Day

Spend one minute per day calling your congressional representatives to demand the immediate release of the hostages in Gaza. Every call counts.

Run for Their Lives

Find and join a weekly local 1k run or walk in honor of the hostages, or sign up and get resources to start one in your area.

Everyone Counts Webinar

Register for a webinar from M2 called “Everyone Counts: A Toolkit to Inspire Learning and Action on Pidyon Shvuyim (Hostage Liberation).”

Hostages and Missing Families Forum

Explore the Hostages and Missing Families Forum.

Ride to Bring Them
Home Now

Join a global bike ride in solidarity with the hostages and their families.

Save a Seat at Shabbat

Use this kit to save an empty seat at your Shabbat table for one of the hostages.

Email Congress

Reach out to your lawmaker in Congress today to urge swift action to support the hostages, provide medical care, and negotiate their release.

Email Ambassadors

Send an email to your ambassador today to urge swift action to support the hostages, provide medical care, and negotiate their release.

Add Your Voice.

Sign the letter to add your name to the Global Women Leaders’ Letter condemning Hamas’s brutal attack, demanding all hostages receive the humanitarian aid that International Law requires, and imploring the release of all hostages.